Get Trained

The Brief Intervention workshop is structured as a virtual training, delivered across two, 3.5-hour training sessions. Training content is presented using a mix of didactic instruction and experiential learning activities. The cost of the training workshop includes a base fee for up to 40 participants with an additional fee per participant to cover the cost of training materials.

EMT contracts directly with state and local entities, including education agencies,  post-secondary institutions, and other community-based agencies and organizations, who sponsor the training workshop and recruit individuals to participate. EMT does not directly host open training events for individuals who are not affiliated with a larger organization.

The training is also offered in-person on a more limited basis, dependent on trainer availability. In-person training workshops include an additional cost of reimbursement for travel expenses for the professional trainer.

For more information on how to get started, complete the Contact Us online form. For answers to specific questions on training costs and implementation, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)